Valley of Santa Fe–2025 Spring Reunion
The 2025 Spring Reunion of the Valley of Santa Fe will take place May 2nd through May 4th this year and the Valley of Santa Fe earnestly requests that all Scottish Rite Masons attend this reunion to welcome a brand new class of Scottish Rite Freemasons to the fraternity.
Over the weekend of May 2nd through May 4th, the Valley of Santa Fe will confer and communicate the 4th through the 32nd Scottish Rite Degrees. This reunion is one of two held by the Valley of Santa Fe during the year to initiate new Scottish Rite Freemasons.
The lessons imparted in the Scottish Rite Degrees are timeless and universal throughout all mankind and the manner in which they are conferred in the Santa Fe Scottish Rite Temple is nothing short of mystical. Very few Scottish Rite Valleys confer as many degrees as the Valley of Santa Fe and even fewer can perform the degrees in a century-old theater with their original sets and costumes. It is truly a unique opportunity and something that every Scottish Rite Freemason should experience.
All Master Masons in good standing are eligible and welcome to receive the Scottish Rite Degrees. To request a petition for the Degrees, please contact Secretary John Adams, 33° IGH by e-mail at or by phone at (505) 982-4414.
If you aren’t a Mason yet you can find out how to become one at the Grand Lodge of New Mexico’s website We look forward to having you join us.